There have been 24,730 individuals recorded as having entered work through Pathways to Work.
1. Figures have been rounded to the nearest 10.
2. Data are to the end of March 2006. This is because the Jobcentre Plus Job Entry Targets (JET) measure was terminated in March 2006 and replaced by a new Job Outcome Targets (JOT) measure. We need to move to capturing job outcomes using this measure; however, JOT data are taken from HMRC and therefore there is a longer delay in using this information.
3. The statistics quoted in this response are taken from the Pathways to Work Evaluation Database.
4. It would not be appropriate to infer any kind of job entry rate from the data supplied in this response as it would be an underestimate of the true underlying job entry rate due to the fact that more recent cases will have had less time to find a job.
5. Job entry figures include all recorded job entries plus Return to Work Credit (RTWC) awards for which no job entry is yet recorded. (By definition, a RTWC award must indicate that a job entry has occurred). Figures for job entries include New Deal for Disabled People (NDDP) job starts.
6. This answer is based on the number of individuals who have entered Pathways and then subsequently found a job. The total number of Pathways job entries is higher as an individual can have multiple spells on Pathways.