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Volume 479: debated on Monday 21 July 2008

To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform what steps his Department plans to take to encourage safe and responsible celebrations on and around Guy Fawkes Night in 2008. (218527)

BERR is responsible for fireworks legislation, as well as the promotion of the safe and responsible use of fireworks. Every year the Department carries out a publicity campaign to ensure the UK population has adequate information about firework safety, with the objective of reducing the number of accidents relating to fireworks.

We currently produce a range of literature, which is available online and updated annually, including: copies of the fireworks safety code for adults and children; schools packs; posters and leaflets for retailers; and a campaign toolkit for local Trading Standards teams.

The BERR fireworks safety website was restructured in 2006 and now forms the focal point of our activity. All communications will carry the website address

This year's campaign will also involve close working with other fireworks safety interest groups and the media to promote the important safety message on and around Guy Fawkes day, as well as other festivals involving the use of fireworks.