There are currently 13 schools which have completed their full or partial refurbishment through the Building Schools for the Future programme and so the contribution made by these schools to the number of A*-C grades at GCSE is very small. Following is a table of the percentage of pupils achieving five or more A*-C GCSE grades (or equivalent) in each school.
Name Local authority Percentage of pupils GCSE achieving 5 A*-C grades (or equivalent) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Solihull Centre for Inclusive Learning (Merston and Forest Oak Special Schools) Solihull 1— 0 0 0 0 Bamburgh School South Tyneside and Gateshead 14 5 22 8 14 Sixth Form Centre Haringey 2— 2— 2— 2— 2— Brunel Academy3 Bristol 31 23 25 23 n/a Sandon High School Stoke 47 49 42 49 42 The Michael Tippett School Lambeth 1— 1— 0 0 0 Bristol Metropolitan College4 Bristol 31 31 31 28 43 All Saints Newcastle 13 23 40 32 48 The Chaucer Business and Enterprise College Sheffield 25 24 27 20 39 Oxclose Sunderland 71 66 69 62 66 The Elmgreen School Lambeth 5— 5— 5— 5— 5— Birches Head Stoke 33 32 36 49 45 The Ifield School Kent 0 0 0 0 0 1 No pupils entered 2 Not available. Not in KS4 tables 3 Previously known as Speedwell Technology College 4 Previously known as Whitefields Fishponds 5 Not available. Opened in September 2007 Note: Figures relate to 15-year-olds (age at start of academic year, i.e. 31 August)
(2) how many Building Schools for the Future projects are due to take place in schools that did not achieve 30 per cent. of their pupils obtaining five A* to C grades at GCSE in 2007; and what the expenditure on those projects will be.
As explained in my response to the hon. Gentleman’s question 217564 on 15 July, Official Report, column 378W, Building Schools for the Future (BSF) funding is provided to local authorities as an ‘envelope’ to allow allocation of resources to individual schools reflecting the local view on priorities and needs. Details of allocations to BSF local authorities are included in the answer to his question 217532 on 15 July, Official Report, column 377W.
15 secondary schools, where in 2007 fewer than 30 per cent. of pupils attained five or more good GCSEs including English and mathematics, are expected to open in new or remodelled BSF buildings this financial year. A further 256 will benefit from funding as part of current Building Schools for the Future projects, either through Local Education Partnerships, the Partnerships for Schools National Framework or as One School Pathfinders. An additional 73 are included in pre-BSF private finance initiative projects, and 29 are being, or have been built under the DCSF Academies programme.