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Commons Hansard for 15 October 2013 (Volume 568)
From the bound volume. Last updated
5 March 2016 at 5.29am.
Commons Chamber
Record of debates that happened in the House of Commons main chamber.
House of Commons
(item number 1)
(id 13101587000005)
(item number 2)
(id 13101587000007)
Regulation of the Private Rented Sector
(item number 4)
(id 13101587000001)
Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill
(item number 5)
(id 13101587000002)
Deep Sea Mining Bill (Ways and Means)
(item number 6)
(id 13101587000003)
Welsh Assembly Legislation (Attorney-General)
(item number 8)
(id 13101587000004)
Westminster Hall
Westminster Hall debates give Members an opportunity to raise local or national issues and receive a response from a government minister.
Westminster Hall
(item number 1)
(id 13101570000002)
Driver and Vehicle Agency (Northern Ireland)
(item number 2)
(id 13101570000001)
Health Services (North-West London)
(item number 3)
(id 13101579000001)
Greener Road Transport Fuels
(item number 4)
(id 13101581000001)
Sentencing Tariffs (Offences Against Animals)
(item number 5)
(id 13101584000001)
Protecting Older People from Fraud (Wales)
(item number 6)
(id 13101584000002)
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