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Draft Securitisation (Amendment) Regulations 2024
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Tobacco and Vapes Bill (Seventh sitting)
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Commons Chamber section
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Written Statements section
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Public Bill Committees section
Commons Hansard for 14 May 2024 (Volume 750)
From the corrected (daily) version. Last updated
20 May 2024 at 8.34pm.
Commons Chamber
Record of debates that happened in the House of Commons main chamber.
House of Commons
(item number 1)
(id 75BE7538-614E-4232-A4DC-10540DD05F98)
(item number 2)
(id 6D5C6489-D012-488E-900F-FE1F4DADA9E7)
Oral Answers to Questions
View all Oral Answers to Questions
Children Remanded in Custody
(item number 1)
(id 82653549-B477-4922-96C7-A8908B15612E)
Public Confidence in Victim Support
(item number 1)
(id D8302AC6-A336-4088-9AB9-454D1746F288)
Employment Tribunal Panels
(item number 1)
(id ABC6420F-2878-4060-B361-F44BAE972BF4)
Rwanda: Asylum and Immigration
(item number 1)
(id E4ED4664-F96B-4348-94C1-198ABD95E834)
Parc Prison
(item number 1)
(id DC230277-AA9A-4413-8879-EA5B673903B7)
Children and Young People: Reoffending
(item number 1)
(id E20CE724-99B3-4678-B3D5-A38FB6224AC0)
Prisons: Illegal Drugs
(item number 1)
(id DC4557C7-E6B6-4EBF-B120-37EFBF65E865)
Custodial and Community Sentencing
(item number 1)
(id 36ADCBBE-F900-4EA5-BDBF-206DD7451C0F)
Prison Capacity
(item number 1)
(id F6EE43FC-6350-4DD5-A25E-D4F8E790E6BF)
Non-disclosure Agreements
(item number 1)
(id 43AF2DEC-D927-4ADD-B03E-01CDA415F05E)
Reoffending Rates
(item number 1)
(id B527CABA-1A0D-46EE-982B-F52584C88F22)
Support for Jurors
(item number 1)
(id 83FD8963-18E0-45A4-8A4C-17A1302BA0A3)
Immigration: Legal Aid
(item number 1)
(id 13C8A7C1-F7B9-488D-8ADE-4E750618257C)
Court Case Backlogs
(item number 1)
(id 6AC0823D-3428-47E7-A20D-209EF4866AE6)
Legal Aid
(item number 1)
(id 9BCA6025-B1B6-44EB-8032-6869B3DC2697)
Domestic Abuse
(item number 1)
(id D8321476-95C5-4894-A57C-02F65F0A539F)
Topical Questions
(item number 1)
(id CD985C17-1A75-43F8-94AD-2F85BDBC0B02)
Illegal Migration Act: Northern Ireland
(item number 4)
(id 9FCE34D0-665B-4EAA-8C2C-6A0345F58980)
International Health Regulations
(item number 5)
(id 7974DED1-7A02-4DF1-AED9-4F7DD95386AE)
Point of Order
(item number 6)
(id F71F60CE-6B14-4F07-8BB2-8F8BBF53D845)
Bathing Waters (Monitoring and Reporting)
(item number 7)
(id E0718ED5-93DB-40C2-A616-D0EB8C8F7771)
Terms and Conditions of Employment
(item number 8)
(id D1AA933C-1157-4EF0-9A3E-117CA2299A87)
Employment (Allocation of Tips)
(item number 9)
(id 78AF183C-20BA-4BB9-AC96-120BCBC4FB31)
War Graves Week
(item number 10)
(id CCB67279-FE1D-4636-A29B-0A47DA4B8FA4)
Business without Debate
(item number 11)
(id 2AA52B62-A2F9-44E4-9DCB-27BBA3AF1850)
Crime: Birmingham, Edgbaston
(item number 13)
(id 011EA025-CFDC-4290-A7A8-FD67CDE93777)
Westminster Hall
Westminster Hall debates give Members an opportunity to raise local or national issues and receive a response from a government minister.
Westminster Hall
(item number 1)
(id 85565CD4-6B18-4883-98C6-BDFD1872F4AD)
Smartphones and Social Media: Children
(item number 2)
(id 9EEEE3FC-7B2A-45E4-87E8-9449B603B1D9)
Innovation Centre for Energy Transition: Peterborough
(item number 3)
(id D07BD665-13AE-463A-9D49-774428F7B6B1)
Prevention of Sexual Violence in Conflict
(item number 4)
(id B163DADC-3F37-4879-BB87-821400B5A276)
Royal Bank of Scotland Branch Closures
(item number 5)
(id 6B363396-81E5-43D2-8899-B0A9A606BC45)
World Species Congress
(item number 6)
(id E7623236-C0E7-49B5-A8D2-61B61086E88E)
Written Statements
Written statements are normally used to put the day-to-day business of government on the official record and in the public domain.
Public Bill Committees
Public Bill Committees debate and consider amendments to Bills.
Football Governance Bill (First sitting)
(item number 1)
(id 2b0be659-4bfa-4f2c-b87c-2a9962ff2275)
Tobacco and Vapes Bill (Eighth sitting)
(item number 2)
(id c5371d4a-83f3-4447-b1b9-98acc83c8ebc)
Football Governance Bill (Second sitting)
(item number 3)
(id f3077dbf-2600-4113-b477-c48ab6f7c87e)
Tobacco and Vapes Bill (Seventh sitting)
(item number 4)
(id e8fbdea2-4f80-43a9-b9b3-e31cff324ca4)
Download content and documents relevant to the day's proceedings.
Whole day
Download the Hansard record of the entire day in PDF format.
PDF file, 1.16 MB
PDF Downloads
Football Governance Bill (First sitting)
0.19 MB
Draft Securitisation (Amendment) Regulations 2024
0.04 MB
Tobacco and Vapes Bill (Eighth sitting)
0.18 MB
Football Governance Bill (Second sitting)
0.24 MB
Tobacco and Vapes Bill (Seventh sitting)
0.2 MB
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Commons Chamber section
Westminster Hall section
Written Statements section
Written Corrections section
General Committees section
Public Bill Committees section