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Lords Chamber section
Lords Hansard for 22 November 2012 (Volume 740)
From the bound volume. Last updated
5 March 2016 at 8.47am.
Lords Chamber
Record of debates that happened in the House of Lords main chamber.
House of Lords
(item number 1)
(id 12112245000909)
Children: Child Protection
(item number 2)
(id 12112245000879)
Violence Against Women and Girls
(item number 3)
(id 12112245000880)
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
(item number 4)
(id 12112245000881)
Procedure of the House
(item number 5)
(id 12112245000882)
Information Committee
(item number 6)
(id 12112245000883)
Draft Care and Support Bill
(item number 7)
(id 12112245000884)
Millennium Development Goals
(item number 8)
(id 12112245000885)
Prisoners: Voting Rights
(item number 9)
(id 12112245000886)
China: Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament
(item number 10)
(id 12112245000887)
Terrorism Act 2000 (Proscribed Organisations) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2012
(item number 11)
(id 12112245000888)
Arrangement of Business
(item number 12)
(id 12112245000889)
Religion in the United Kingdom
(item number 13)
(id 12112245000890)
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Lords Chamber section