It is understood that this question refers to the number of crime scene sample profiles added to the National DNA Database, since a separate question has been asked on the number of people added in each month from 18 January 2008 to date.
The number of crime scene samples added in each of the nine months from April 2008 to December 2008 for all police forces is shown in the following table.
Force April May June July August September October November December Total April to December Avon and Somerset 128 136 125 123 112 145 126 129 111 1,135 Bedfordshire 29 52 35 60 56 61 49 43 40 425 British Transport 64 42 44 44 34 39 57 30 37 391 Cambridgeshire 46 53 52 55 51 63 56 48 63 487 Cheshire 141 93 92 82 91 124 78 107 84 892 City of London Police 5 6 8 6 4 6 0 4 2 41 Cleveland 40 40 23 26 22 21 20 20 15 227 Cumbria 40 22 45 30 35 19 33 28 28 280 Derbyshire 73 63 81 49 54 41 66 57 36 520 Devon and Cornwall 69 60 66 63 63 49 53 48 55 526 Dorset 38 34 23 39 34 22 37 35 26 288 Durham 43 45 36 32 33 39 29 41 48 346 Dyfed-Powys / Haverford West 10 14 12 12 15 15 17 12 10 117 Essex 89 104 97 86 101 88 91 70 78 804 Gloucestershire 17 24 18 26 18 21 30 21 26 201 Greater Manchester police 329 239 310 268 327 264 370 321 280 2,708 Gwent 38 33 28 32 18 29 29 36 33 276 Hampshire 115 98 146 111 109 101 112 72 79 943 Hertfordshire 53 56 59 51 49 49 41 41 63 462 Humberside 73 113 85 98 76 86 87 60 64 742 Kent 242 184 186 239 223 231 224 166 187 1,882 Lancashire 250 234 184 183 181 165 162 130 105 1,594 Leicestershire 54 71 53 77 53 66 69 42 52 537 Lincolnshire 47 42 33 38 33 33 34 26 30 316 Merseyside 139 130 166 125 126 144 174 147 111 1,262 Metropolitan police 566 480 531 585 464 562 477 449 438 4,552 Norfolk 7 117 59 68 51 65 52 43 35 497 North Wales 90 73 66 86 69 69 65 54 54 626 North Yorkshire 30 25 35 25 27 24 25 22 19 232 Northamptonshire 61 85 55 71 60 66 94 52 99 643 Northumbria 95 138 112 146 109 141 144 152 107 1,144 Nottinghamshire 68 75 41 47 64 58 40 52 61 506 South Wales Constabulary 109 104 106 63 80 70 94 85 54 765 South Yorkshire 94 131 79 105 90 88 85 88 73 833 Staffordshire 105 87 87 67 79 101 81 94 70 771 Suffolk 33 55 29 40 48 25 37 40 23 330 Surrey 53 63 51 59 47 56 49 47 62 487 Sussex 175 149 158 161 138 149 184 139 123 1,376 Thames Valley 154 121 122 118 97 127 114 115 119 1,087 Warwickshire Police 32 26 28 34 14 36 21 30 32 253 West Mercia 99 64 97 78 84 89 76 54 55 696 West Midlands 240 188 207 167 204 186 200 174 143 1,709 West Yorkshire 201 204 194 168 142 186 164 136 115 1,510 Wiltshire 40 37 45 29 26 19 24 31 26 277 England and Wales Total 4,424 4,210 4,109 4,072 3,811 4,038 4,070 3,591 3,371 35,696 Total other forces1 169 121 107 142 95 240 205 136 130 1,345 Total all forces 4,593 4,331 4,216 4,214 3,906 4,278 4,275 3,727 3,501 37,041 1 Eight Scottish forces, PSNI, Jersey, Guernsey, Ministry of Defence Police etc.
We are considering what steps are required to implement the decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of S and Marper following the Court’s judgment on 4 December 2008. As my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary indicated on 16 December 2008 in her speech to the Intellect Trade Association, the detailed proposals for change will be subject to public consultation in a Forensics White Paper to be published later this year.